Monday, July 6, 2009

Shave and a haircut

Ross getting "blowed"
Beer holder man
Auntie Steph and Auntie Melissa with little ones
Grandpa and Isla
Grandma and Isla 

It's been a while, so sorry! We've been up to a lot lately, or rather, in the last few weeks. We received a mega box of fine products from England, things that Ross misses and can't live without (Like his PG tea, Eclair candies for me, and wine gums!).

We were up in Iowa in mid-June, where we had a great time with my family, and Ross got a summer buzz cut (from my brother, Chris) who proceeded to use his freshly-buzzed head as a beer holder, then blew off the hair clippings with a leaf blower! Good times, good times...We sat in the hot tub and met my little niece, Little Miss Siena. Check out how much bigger Isla is than the little newborn. It's absolutely amazing that just 11 months ago, Isla was actually smaller than Siena - Siena was born 8lbs, 6oz and Isla was a straight 8oz. Just crazy...

This past weekend I wasn't too well, but we still played a game of Settlers of Catan and on Saturday we braved the flash heat/cold/rain waves and walked twenty feet to our lovely neighbor's party and surprisingly, we stayed out until well past midnight! Photos to follow soon! Watch this space!

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