Saturday, March 7, 2009

With love from Cabo

Isla loved the pool!
sleepy girl after a tiny taste of chocolate cake :)
daddy putting on the 12th slathering, at least!
first day in Cabo!
Mommy and Isla at the beach...

What a great time! And another thing that was a long time comin...with me great with child this time last year, we weren't able to go on a vacation so we tagged along with mom, dad, my sis Teresa and her hubby Jeff (and bun in the oven!), and my bro Chris and his wife, Melissa, and their kids, Trevor and Calista. Oh I wish we were still there! It was so wonderful to forget all about all of the recession bad news daily that we get here!

Enjoy the pics, hope to see you all soon! I'll have more, my camera battery died before they could all be loaded!