Monday, November 24, 2008

21 June 09

It's official! My little sissy is going to have a baby...for those of you who know my sis, I would've never, ever thought the day would come either! We are soo excited that Isla is going to have a little playmate to hang out with at holidays and everything, it's such a great time to be a part of this world! Congratulations, Teresa and Jeff...we love you so much!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Flip over? Who does that?

It's a battle but Isla just doesn't want to flip over. Maybe she will, maybe she won't. I suppose this is my first real challenge as a momma to get my kid to do something I want. I like to say we succeeded at getting her to sleep a full night, but did that really have anything to do with what I "made" her do? We simply feed her enough to make her happy, which, in turn, knocks her out. But that's her choice to sleep and stay asleep. Who am I foolin'? 

She's not flipping, but she's doing some major push-ups, enjoy!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I give you gold and I get squat!

Poor Isla, we take take take pics of her and she doesn't get to do much else except be blinded! Thanks to the red-eye detector, sometimes she doesn't get a good smile in. But tonight we did! It's amazing how she's grown into this exersaucer just in the last two days, isn't it!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rhymes with Pleeb

So there's a vegetable among us, commonly known as the rutabaga in the US but goes by a COMPLETELY different name in the land of Eng... and I know the name, just couldn't think of it today at the grocery store. Ross tried to help me, with tons of hints, like: It's what you call people from a certain country...nothing. And this went on. And on. He wouldn't tell me, it was kind of frustrating. Finally he ran out of helpful hints when he said, "it rhymes with pleeb." Boy that did it, haha. It's a SWEDE, dur. And it's fabulous if you mash up a swede with boiled carrots with butter and "suzy and percy". See what I'm getting at? Hopefully I can chronicle some of the crazy ways my wonderful hubband says things. He always keeps me on my toes. But I say things a funny way too. Like he can't stand it when I say, "warsh" instead of wash. Which, as it happens, I do on purpose now. Maybe that's why he does it...gotta love him. And our baby, who is sure to inherit some asinine habits too. 

I took a pic of her hands today, they're amazing. Developmentally she's right on target and the neighbors let us borrow their exersaucer last night - their little boy, Tyler, is the cutest. Maybe someday I'll match him up with my little niece, Calista (she's on a previous post, feeding Isla). Then, last night, we were introduced to Guitar Hero. I'm not so bad as I thought I'd be.I smell a Thanksgiving show-down with my sis and Jeff!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Amazing Baby

Now, I love my baby but all babies are amazing! I just read these amazing facts in Parents magazine:
1 - At birth, babies have the ability to swim
2 - Between birth and age 2, an infant will QUADRUPLE in size
3 - Within 45 hours of birth, a newborn knows her own mother by her smell - and a blindfolded mom can identify her own child from a host of other babies by scent alone!
4- Human babies are the only primates to smile at their parents

Wow, huh! Those are just a few - if ya wanna know more, get Amazing Baby from Amazon. I might... 

BTW, I'm not able to upload photos at the moment but I will this weekend!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fridays Off!

So, before I left for maternity leave, I set it up so I could take every Friday off for the REST OF THE YEAR!! Yeah, baby. There's always a bit to do on a Friday but at least I'm home with my baby for a bit. She was good today - we went out to Target and about got blown away in the wind up here! Then we came in, had a cuppa tea and took some sweet pics. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Monkey head

So funny! Ross was watching me burp Isla the other day and said the back of her head looked like a monkey, haha! And I agreed when I looked, it's so funny! I said that's ok as long as she doesn't have a monkey face. But she is becoming a chunky monkey, isn't she!? Here's a wink to everyone, we miss you all!

Oh, and for my momma, here's the curtains we found when H & M were here, aren't they great!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Another Baby!!

CONGRATULATIONS to my little sis, who's going to have a baby in June 09! That means that this baby and Isla will be growing up playing together - christmases, turkey days, oh I can't wait!! I'll post pictures later when I get them from mom - I have to see the baby bump soon!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Here's a photo of Isla looking like a "little Frenchie" as Ross would say, haha!


Monday, November 3, 2008

Lil vid

Isla is back...or was she ever really gone from this site? Haha!

Enjoy a new video...we were pretty bored while daddy watched THREE HOURS of Monday night raw wrestling!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Lotsa posts

No more post-arexia!

Here are some photos my (sort of) Aunt Mary sent of when she was up in Laurens the other week (she's my cousin Angie and Danny's aunt, Garrett's mom, but I still call her Aunt Mary!). They turned out so good, I don't have enough photos of Isla and me together!!



It's our first Halloween with Isla and the first one in our new house. We (or I, rather) were so excited that we didn't take Isla out, we wanted to see all the costumes and give out a bunch of candy. Isla was actually getting trained to take the bottle, which is also a big reason why we didn't go out. It's hard work!

Here are some pics of her in her little quasi-costume. It was very nearly too small for her, poor thing! So before we ended for the night and went out to bonfire with the neighbors, mommy and her took a pic together. Is that an orb we see in the photo? Who knows! Daddy took a photo right before this one and it flashed too but there wasn't anything on the door that time, but the second time there was...It was Halloween, after all...

Super baby!

uhh...don't try this at home!! My mom just sent me this link to this dad (or some guy) swinging his baby around, hence Super Baby! It seems that "Everyone was Kung Fu Fighting" is playing in the background - in Spanish??

I hope it's not a real baby, it's kinda scary!!