Monday, November 17, 2008

I give you gold and I get squat!

Poor Isla, we take take take pics of her and she doesn't get to do much else except be blinded! Thanks to the red-eye detector, sometimes she doesn't get a good smile in. But tonight we did! It's amazing how she's grown into this exersaucer just in the last two days, isn't it!


Unknown said...

omg! i could eat her alive!!!! she is the cutest combo of the both of you. i cannot wait to meet her. aren't exersaucers the best invention since disposable diapers? grace practically lived in hers (that we also borrowed from a friend) for the first year of her life. we still catch all 43 inches of her sneaking into harper's exersaucer. love the blog (especially the videos) and love you guys.

Kim and Ross said...

Little Gracie is 43 inches! Wow! She's getting soo big!! We need to get over to KY and see you guys! I need to call you too and catch up - talk to you soon!! Love you!!!!